Wowstick A1 charging precision electric screwdriver cordless battery mobile phone camera repair power tools

Hot Products! Wowstick A1 charging precision electric screwdriver cordless battery mobile phone camera repair power tools Wowstick A1 charging precision electric screwdriver cordless battery mobile phone camera repair power tools Images 3 Images 4 Images 5
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Orders: 3 | Rating: 1



Type:Screwdriver Set
Power Source:Battery
Max. Torque:0.2/3N.m
Weight:850 g
Rated Input Power:5V
Dimensions:158*16 mm
Model Number:wowstick A1
Gross Weight:850 g
Stock:Rich in stockWholesale Support
Name:Wowstick 1F
Unit Type:set
Package Weight:0.850kg (0.88lb.)
Package Size:21cm x 14cm x 3cm (8.27in x 5.51in x 1.18in)

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